
Our curriculum combines two recognised teaching programmes: the English National Curriculum (an educational syllabus used in schools across England and international schools around the world) and an International nursery, for primary and middle school children, which we follow for all other academic subjects - science, history, geography, arts, and music.

These programmes of study and the activities we offer promote the cognitive, aesthetic, physical, social and emotional growth of each child.

Because the curriculum is completely integrated, meaningful connections between interdisciplinary concepts and ideas can be made. Students may not be involved in exactly the same activities and projects at the same time, as we foster project-based learning in small groups and believe this better reflects the world outside school.

French-Swiss private school in Paris
French-Swiss private school in Paris

A complete education project

The art of learning, a taste for freedom


The English National Curriculum

The English National Curriculum

The English National Curriculum is an educational syllabus used in schools across the UK as well as in many international schools around the world. It aims are that all children gain a good grounding in reading, writing, speaking, listening and numeracy. It also places children’s personal development at the core of the learning process. At FISP we follow this curriculum for maths and literacy.

First launched in 1988, it has been developing consistently ever since. It is often characterized as ‘broad and balanced’ since students, up to the age of fourteen, study the full breadth of subjects that are needed to help them develop into well-rounded citizens of the future. The curriculum focuses on delivering high academic standards, yet ensuring that students also develop the wider life skills that are so crucial for applications to top universities and their future adult life.

The International Curriculum

The International Curriculum

The IB curriculum has been developed as a cross-subject enrichment programme and it is delivered through thematic learning units. The emphasis is placed on a combination of academic, personal and international learning for children worldwide, combined with innovative and exciting ways to learn. It has been successfully integrated by many internationally-minded schools that are also following the English National Curriculum.

Forest International School Paris is a student-centered school where we value distinctive inquiry-based interdisciplinary studies, project-based learning, social emotional learning and creativity.

Our responsibility is to facet the adults of tomorrow’s world; we carry the responsibility of fostering pupils’ self-confidence and innovative thinking skills required for success in an increasingly complex world.

Brevet des collèges

Brevet des collèges

The Diplôme National du Brevet assesses the knowledge and skills acquired at the end of Middle School. It is balanced between assessment of the foundation (continuous assessment) and final examinations. Each subject assessed is the subject of a separate test, except for science (two subjects), and an oral test for school candidates.

At FISP we can prepare children for the Brevet des Colleges during the Middle School years, with a special focus on French and Mathematics.

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element graphique
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Ecole bilingue internationale à Paris
Ecole bilingue internationale à Paris
Ecole bilingue internationale à Paris